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Download ((LINK)) Font Italian Plates 1999

Italian Plate No 1 Font Family OTF, TTF. Family font italian plate. Download. This resource comes from other websites and we cannot confirm its legitimacy. If you are the copyright owner, please submit a copyright infringement. So we will delet the resources and link to your page. Popular . Featured. Newest. Gellano Font. 1150 0. The Buntro Font. 1491 0. Hollie Mally Font. 874 0. Awaken Font ...

download font italian plates 1999

ZA/489 NVNormal series since 1994. 1999 onwards plate style. Rear plate. Two line plates start with a Z. Blocks of serials issued to each province. 01 = First registered in 2001. MI = Milano.

ZA/080 NENormal series since 1994. 1999 onwards plate style. Rear plate. Two line plates start with a Z. Blocks of serials issued to each province. 99 = First registered in 1999. Bz = Bolzano. With the coat-of-arms of Bolzano.

ZA/151 YMNormal series since 1994. 1999 onwards plate style. Rear plate. Two line plates start with a Z. Blocks of serials issued to each province. 10 = First registered in 2010. No province code in the blue band. 350c69d7ab




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